Mudith Weerabaddanage
I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Arizona working with Dr. Diane Thompson. My research at the Tropical Climate and Coral Reefs Laboratory uses carbonate geochemistry to reconstruct the last millennial Tropical Pacific climate variability. I use fossil corals from the Republic of Marshall Islands as a tool to rebuild past climate and oceanographic signals that provide important information to understand how El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and Pacific hydroclimate evolved through the past. My research findings will help low-lying islands in the tropical Pacific Ocean to foresee climate change consequences such as sea-level rise, hurricanes, and freshwater shortage.
I am a scuba diver and engage in fieldwork related to my research and do recreational diving when I get a chance. I do photography as a hobby, especially landscape, cityscape, and nature photography. I have visited fifteen countries and my list grew ever since I started traveling. Street food is my first choice when it comes to feeding myself and never gets bored with trying new food. I also have a small collection of mineral samples that I would call my new hobby.