GeoDaze-the annual Department of Geosciences Graduate Student organized Symposium Turns 50! March 23rd-24th.
Registration for the 50th GeoDaze 2022 is now open!!! Register today by filling out the form linked here as well as on the GeoDaze 2022 website homepage.
This year is extra special as we are celebrating the 50th year of GeoDaze - the annual Department of Geosciences symposium organized by students since 1972. This year we will have both in person and virtual formats to make sure everyone is comfortable. The dates are March 23rd-24th and the in person portion will take place at ENR2. To celebrate the extra special 50th GeoDaze we are inviting two distinguished keynote speakers. Historical geologist Dr. Sid Hemmingof Columbia University will kick off the meeting on March 23rd and Dr. Gabriella Farfan, the Gem and Mineral Curator at the Smithsonian National Museum Natural History will close out the meeting on March 24th.
Support GeoDaze
Online donation: Visit Under the drop-down menu for "I would like to support:" select "Other - Please Specify", and type "GeoDaze" into the description box below. Once you click "Give Now" a window will pop up for you to select how you would like to pay.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact co-chairs Allie Berry or Brandon Levenstein.