Career Preparation Seminar

Jan. 25, 2022

Career Preparation Seminar

When:Monday February 7, 2022 | 3:00 PM

Where:Gould-Simpson 228A In Person or via zoom:

RealReal Executives, Brittany Gersh Director of Specialist Operations and Maryanna Nagle Director of Luxury Consignment Offices will be visiting with Geosciences  to discuss prospective engagement opportunities with undergraduate students who are interested in Gem Science and related fields.

 TheRealReal visit is open to any interested student, not just Geoscience BS students. The Geosciences B.S. degree added a new Gem Science sub-plan this past fall, which is very interdisciplinary. Check out the Gem Science Sub Plan Curriculum Requirements.

Join us and learn about internship and career opportunities at The RealReal.