About the Society of Earth Science Students:
The Society of Earth Science Students is an undergraduate club within the Geosciences department that is open to all majors who are interested in the study of Earth sciences and systems including: Geology, Geophysics, Earth Systems, Geography, Dendrochronology & Climatology. We host weekly meetings that are structured to keep the undergraduates informed about departmental talks, trips and research opportunities. Professors and graduate students often come to discuss their research, and industry professionals from mining, oil and government agencies, like the USGS, participate in discussions about employment opportunities. We have a strong presence at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show and the Tucson Festival of Books, and we participate in other community outreach here in Tucson. The club also goes on organized hiking and camping trips, mining tours and museum visits.
2021-2022 SESS Officers
President Emily Havard |
Vice President and Treasurer Brianna Hoegler |
Social and Professional Development Coordinator Matthew Singer |
Outreach Coordinator Maggie Lyons |
Contact SESS:
TGMS and Tucson Area Educational Outreach:
Each February the Society of Earth Science Students hosts the large junior educational section at the world famous Tucson Gem and Mineral show. This interactive display includes exciting demonstrations such as earthquake and tsunami simulations, volcanoes, digging for dinosaurs, and much more!
If your educational institution or program is interested in junior earth science education outreach, please contact our outreach coordinator.