Career Resources

What do Geoscientists do?

Although a great amount has been learned about the Earth, much more is yet to be discovered. Geoscience is everywhere. Geoscientists:

  • Study and help mitigate volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, and landslides 
  • Discover and help develop groundwater supplies, construction materials, mineral ores, and fossil fuels
  • Explore new ideas about the natural world from the core of the Earth, to the the depths of the oceans, to the outer reaches of space
  • Study physical and chemical processes in order to understand the origin and distribution of resources
  • Provide scientific counsel and advice on preserving the environment, improving ecologically damaged areas, and determining the environmental impact of land development
  • Work with people, data, information, ideas, and technology in the field and in the laboratory

Future Changes for the Geosciences Workforce


New Geoscience Currents page from the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) on projected employment growth in the geoscience workforce over the next decade.


General Information About the Geosciences Field and Careers

Geoscience Organizations

General Information About Geosciences Careers

2019 - 2021 Career Preparation Seminar/Webinar Archive

Fall 2019 through Spring 2021, we invited 3-4 Geosciences alumni to speak to undergraduate and graduate students about their time at the UofA and their career paths. The final half of each presentation was opened up to students to ask questions.

Please visit our archive to view the recordings!


Career Prep Archive